

Turbulent Childhood

Dear Rosie & Sherry, I’m in my early 20s and live at home with my parents. I have dated a number of young men, but didn’t feel any of them were right for me. Recently, I met a young man who is a few years older than me. His parents are divorced and he lives with a very fine family who are relatives of his. This is the first guy that I actually like and am attracted to. I feel

Being Like Velcro for My Beshert

Even though some of us traveled from as far as Chicago and New York, (the majority were from Atlanta); I believe we each came a long way to the Singles Shabbaton; because of the chance we took. The age range was 35 to 55. We were no spring chickens. We’d either been married and divorced – or in a few cases never married; with the concomitant recipes of exhilaration, disappointment, despair, kindnesses and perceived slights. None of us traveled light.