
IraLada Basic Information
  • (english) Relationship status:
    (english) Divorced
  • (english) Relationship I am looking for:
    (english) Activity partner, A long-term, Friendship, Marriage minded, Dating
  • (english) Ethnicity:
    (english) Jewish Ethnic by father
  • (english) Religion:
    (english) Jewish Secular
  • (english) Children:
    (english) Two
  • (english) Education:
    (english) Master’s degree
  • (english) Occupation:
    (english) Food Service
  • (english) Employment status:
    (english) Full-time
  • (english) Height:
    (english) 5' 8"; - (173cm)
  • (english) Weight:
    (english) 135 lbs. - 61 kg
  • (english) Body build:
    (english) Slender
  • Über mich:
    Я добрая и спокойная. Я была программистом в России, здесь в Америке пришлось сменить профессию, как делают почти все наши. Это и здорово и тяжело одновременно. Все кто прошел через это, знают каково это. Ну что ж, новая жизнь. Я по прежнему люблю людей и люблю жизньI am kind and calm :)I was computer programmer on Russia. But here on USA I had to start over and I got new profession cooking. It is interesting, why not?! :).I like my new work, i like to work for people and help them. Food is intimate part our life. When I make something I am like part of family, somebody who is important to help to restore, to get pleasure. I love people, love life
  • (english) The country I grew up in:
IraLada Details
  • (english) What is religion in my life:
    (english) I am moderately religious
  • (english) Visiting synagogue:
    (english) Sometimes
  • (english) Keeping kosher:
    (english) Not at all
  • (english) Hair color:
    (english) Auburn
  • (english) Eye color:
    (english) Gray
  • (english) Smoking:
    (english) I don't smoke, smokers don't bother me
  • (english) Drinking:
    (english) Never
  • (english) Health:
    (english) Good
  • (english) Want (more) children?:
    (english) No
  • (english) Open to meeting someone with children:
    (english) Yes
  • (english) Living situation:
    (english) Living alone
  • (english) Pets at home:
    (english) None
  • (english) Relocate for the right person:
    (english) Possibly
  • (english) Political orientation:
    (english) Apolitical
  • (english) Favorite type of holiday:
    (english) Cultural and informative
  • (english) Planning:
    (english) I plan everything in advance
  • (english) Languages speaking:
    (english) English, Russian
  • (english) Interests:
    (english) Food and Wine, Weekend Trips, Pets, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Nature, Video / Online Games, Religion, Gardening, Dancing, Hiking, Reading
  • (english) Favorite music:
    (english) Blues, Oriental, International, Country, Pop
  • (english) Favorite types of movie:
    (english) Documentary, Drama, Historical, Melodrama, Romance
  • (english) Favorite Cuisines:
    (english) Eastern-European, Russian, Mediterranean, French
  • (english) Personality traits:
    (english) Kind, Intellectual, Eccentric, Responsible, Practical, Stubborn
  • (english) Zodiac Sign:
    (english) [Don't Believe In Astrology
  • (english) Culture or country with which I identify:
IraLada Ideal Match
  • (english) Age (from):
  • (english) Age (to):
  • (english) Height (from):
    (english) 5' 8"; - (173cm)
  • (english) Relationship status:
    (english) Single (Never Married), Divorced, Widowed
  • (english) Ethnicity:
    (english) Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mixed Jewish Ethnic, Jewish Ethnic by father, Jewish Ethnic by mother
  • (english) Religion:
    (english) Jewish Traditional, Jewish Reform, Jewish Hasidic, Jewish Secular, Other Jewish, In God he/she trust
  • (english) Keeping kosher:
    (english) , Partly, Not at all
  • (english) Education:
    (english) Some college, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Incomplete higher education, Ph.D. thesis, Doctorate, Member of Academy, Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)
  • (english) Want (more) children?:
    (english) No
  • (english) About my ideal match:
    Я ищу человека для реального, а не виртуального общения. Интернет дает искаженное впечатление о человеке, даже скайп. Поэтому мужчинам из далека я вряд ли отвечу.Ну а вариант, чтобы найти кого-то и переехать. Хватит с меня одной такой аферы с переездом, снова на это я уже не способна. Ну а кого то перевозить к себе, например из России, и вытягивать его, пока встанет на ноги... Извините, но у меня нет на это сил.Доброго всем дня, кто зашел на мою страничку 🙂
  • (english) Country of residence:
    United States
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