
biotech22 Basic Information
  • (english) Relationship status:
    (english) Single (Never Married)
  • (english) Relationship I am looking for:
    (english) Friendship, Marriage minded, Romantic relationship
  • (english) Ethnicity:
    (english) Ashkenazi
  • (english) Religion:
    (english) Jewish Secular
  • (english) Children:
    (english) None
  • (english) Education:
    (english) Doctorate
  • (english) Occupation:
    (english) Biotechnology
  • (english) Employment status:
    (english) Full-time
  • (english) Height:
    (english) 6' 1"; - (185cm)
  • (english) Weight:
    (english) 165 lbs. - 75 kg
  • (english) Body build:
    (english) Average
  • Benim hakkımda:
    Окончил Еврейский Университет в Ирусалиме в 2010 г., докторат по биохимии. Постдокторат в Техническом университете Копенгагена. С августа 2014 работаю в фармацевтической компании в г. Майнц, рядом с Франкфуртом на Майне. Да, я привержен к науке и иследованиям, но ничто человеческое мне не чуждо! Приоритеты: экономика, бизнес, здоровый образ жизни, спорт, и... тёплый семейный очаг.I am a scientist, who likes to work hard but also to go out and to have fun. I spend more time at work than my colleagues because I enjoy working, and I am a carrier-oriented person. I read all the time?if you find me without a book in my bag, there must be a good reason. I have a strong and solidified personality. I am very independent and never clingy in a relationship. I am very sarcastic but never mean. I like dancing salsa, swimming, and going to Spa. I am a big fun of technology, so there are many electronic instruments in my home (e.g., automatic rice cooker, XBOX, Amazon Kinkle, etc.) I like cooking good food (especially Sushi) for my guests. I am not looking for a super model or a sex bomb. Who needs the paparazzi or horny baards following you everywhere? If you have read so far and got interested, send me a message.
  • (english) The country I grew up in:
biotech22 Details
  • (english) What is religion in my life:
    (english) I am moderately religious
  • (english) Visiting synagogue:
    (english) Sometimes
  • (english) Keeping kosher:
    (english) Partly
  • (english) General appearance:
    (english) Attractive
  • (english) Hair color:
    (english) Indefinite
  • (english) Eye color:
    (english) Blue-gray
  • (english) Smoking:
    (english) I don't smoke, I don't like to be around smokers
  • (english) Drinking:
    (english) Socially
  • (english) Health:
    (english) Good
  • (english) Want (more) children?:
    (english) Yes
  • (english) Open to meeting someone with children:
    (english) No
  • (english) Living situation:
    (english) Living alone
  • (english) Pets at home:
    (english) None
  • (english) Relocate for the right person:
    (english) Possibly
  • (english) Political orientation:
    (english) Moderate
  • (english) Favorite type of holiday:
    (english) Peaceful and relaxing
  • (english) Planning:
    (english) I plan everything in advance
  • (english) Languages speaking:
    (english) English, Danish, Hebrew, German, Russian
  • (english) Interests:
    (english) Basketball, Tango, Meeting Friends, Cycling, Clubs / Nightclubs, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Museums, Swimming, Sport, Dancing, Soccer, Reading, Chess
  • (english) Favorite music:
    (english) Jazz, Classical
  • (english) Favorite types of movie:
    (english) Thriller
  • (english) Favorite Cuisines:
    (english) Eastern-European, Korean, Mediterranean
  • (english) Personality traits:
    (english) Spiritual, Shy, Intellectual, Responsible, Outgoing, Practical, Adventurous, Serious, Self-сonfident, Purposeful, High Energy
  • (english) Zodiac Sign:
    (english) Libra (September 23 - October 23)
  • (english) Culture or country with which I identify:
biotech22 Ideal Match
  • (english) Age (from):
  • (english) Age (to):
  • (english) Height (from):
    (english) 5' 3"; - (160cm)
  • (english) Height (to):
    (english) 5'11"; - (180cm)
  • (english) Children:
    (english) None
  • (english) Want (more) children?:
    (english) , Yes
  • (english) Languages:
    (english) English, Danish, Hebrew, German, Russian
  • (english) About my ideal match:
    Симпатичная , не глупая, без медицинских проблем, не полная, с мягким характером, выдержанная, уравновешанная, способная создать домашний уют и покойA nice, intelligent and friendly woman, which is looking for a reliable and serious partner. A sensitive person who could reach me in a way that only she could do? A woman that want to meet smart guy who talks about science and technology and who doesnt look like he have devilish thoughts under his wire-rimmed glasses, but does. One that bought stocks of Google in 1999-2000 🙂
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