
RafalovichKsenia Basic Information
  • (english) Relationship status:
    (english) Single (Never Married)
  • (english) Relationship I am looking for:
    (english) Marriage minded
  • (english) Ethnicity:
    (english) Jewish Ethnic by father
  • (english) Religion:
    (english) Jewish Secular
  • (english) Children:
    (english) None
  • (english) Education:
    (english) Master’s degree
  • (english) Occupation:
    (english) Marketing
  • (english) Employment status:
    (english) Self-employed
  • (english) Height:
    (english) 5' 4"; - (163cm)
  • (english) Weight:
    (english) 120 lbs. - 54 kg
  • (english) Body build:
    (english) Athletic
  • (english) The country I grew up in:
RafalovichKsenia Details
  • (english) What is religion in my life:
    (english) I am moderately religious
  • (english) Visiting synagogue:
    (english) Sometimes
  • (english) Keeping kosher:
    (english) Partly
  • (english) General appearance:
    (english) Very attractive
  • (english) Hair color:
    (english) Auburn
  • (english) Eye color:
    (english) Hazel
  • (english) Smoking:
    (english) I don't smoke, smokers don't bother me
  • (english) Drinking:
    (english) Never
  • (english) Health:
    (english) Excellent
  • (english) Want (more) children?:
    (english) Yes
  • (english) Open to meeting someone with children:
    (english) No
  • (english) Living situation:
    (english) Living with parents
  • (english) Pets at home:
    (english) Dog
  • (english) Relocate for the right person:
    (english) Yes
  • (english) Annual Income:
    $25,000 - $34,999
  • (english) Political orientation:
    (english) Left Wing
  • (english) Favorite type of holiday:
    (english) Cultural and informative
  • (english) Planning:
    (english) I plan around the big things only
  • (english) Languages speaking:
    (english) English, Hebrew, Russian
  • (english) Interests:
    (english) Cars, Weekend Trips, Pets, Roller Skating, Cooking, Literature, Museums, Music, Swimming, Video / Online Games, Painting/Drawing, Sewing/Crafts, Writing, Sport, Dancing, Hiking, Reading
  • (english) Favorite music:
    (english) Jazz
  • (english) Favorite types of movie:
    (english) Drama, Classic, Comedy
  • (english) Favorite Cuisines:
    (english) Jewish, Spanish, Italian, Mediterranean, Japanese
  • (english) Personality traits:
    (english) Sensitive, Flexible, Kind, Humorous, Eccentric, Responsible, Outgoing, Open-Minded, Romantic, Purposeful, Emotional
  • (english) Zodiac Sign:
    (english) Libra (September 23 - October 23)
RafalovichKsenia Ideal Match
  • (english) Age (from):
  • (english) Age (to):
  • (english) Relationship status:
    (english) , Single (Never Married)
  • (english) Education:
    (english) Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree
  • (english) Want (more) children?:
    (english) Yes
  • (english) Living situation:
    (english) Living alone
  • (english) About my ideal match:
Puan Sonuçları
  • sen Anma
  • En yüksek skor
  • Not ortalaması
  • 5.0
  • oy
  • 1