
Pashamus Basic Information
  • Семейное положение:
    холост (женат не был) / не замужем (замужем не была)
  • Отношения, которые я ищу:
    длительные отношения, дружба, общение по e-mail
  • Этническая принадлежность:
    не еврейская
  • Религия:
    нерелигиозная (нерелигиозный)
  • Дети:
  • Образование:
    степень магистра (институт)
  • Область деятельности:
  • Занятость:
    неполный рабочий день
  • Рост:
    5'11"; - (180см)
  • Вес:
    77 кг
  • Телосложение:
  • О себе:
    Hello, I am looking for a friend, who loves classical music - Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Grieg... Also some atonal music of Bartok, Shostakovich, Berg, Schoenberg… I believe that a coincidence in music tastes is a basis to feel each other on a deep emotional, even physiological level, because an interest in the particular music is a direct expression of the temperament and other psychological characteristics, to my mind. Music is a very important part of my life, I aspire to express myself in composing piano pieces. My piano compositions are mostly slow and atonal.In addition, I have an interest in psychology, especially in the educational psychology. To create a structural picture of the world and its processes I learn gnoseology (epistemology).My life is directed to the improvement of myself in different areas – I wish to improve my English, my skills in composing the music, my understanding of psychology both of myself and people better. I will appreciate those people who would assist me in these ways to improve myself. From my side, I shall be glad to help you in the spheres which I know.I hope I have many positive qualities - I am an intelligent, thoughtful, reliable, careful for others, with a good sense of humor.The main important features of a person lie in the moral sphere, to my mind. Kindness, care, and aspiration to share spiritual values are the main that I seek in a friend. I hope I have such features and can share them with my friends. Your physiological parameters (age, growth, weight, etc) are not important to me.My stats: 31-180-78, I am from Russia, live in a small town near Moscow.My name is Pasha (Pavel or Paul, if you want).Please tell me where are you living, what are your interests, on which site you saw my advert. Write me If you have the same interests and wish to establish a long-term relationship (at least virtual), do not hesitate to write me. An every letter will be answered.Hello, I am looking for a friend, who loves classical music - Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Grieg... Also some atonal music of Bartok, Shostakovich, Berg, Schoenberg… I believe that a coincidence in music tastes is a basis to feel each other on a deep emotional, even physiological level, because an interest in the particular music is a direct expression of the temperament and other psychological characteristics, to my mind. Music is a very important part of my life, I aspire to express myself in composing piano pieces. My piano compositions are mostly slow and atonal.In addition, I have an interest in psychology, especially in the educational psychology. I learn gnoseology (epistemology) to create a structural picture of the world and its processes.My life is directed to the improvement of myself in different areas – I wish to improve my English, my skills in composing the music, my understanding of psychology both of myself and people better. I will appreciate those people who would assist me in these ways to improve myself. From my side, I shall be glad to help you in the spheres which I know.I hope I have many positive qualities - I am an intelligent, thoughtful, reliable, careful, with a good sense of humor.The main important features of a person lie in the moral sphere, to my mind. Kindness, care, and aspiration to share spiritual values are the main things that I seek in a friend. I hope I have such features and can share them with my friends. Your physiological parameters (age, growth, weight, etc) are not important to me.My stats: 31-180-78, I am from Russia, live in a small town near Moscow.My name is Pasha (Pavel or Paul, if you want).Please tell me where are you living, what are your interests, on which site you saw my advert. Write me directly: pashamus@yandex.ruIf you have the same interests and wish to establish a long-term relationship (at least virtual), do not hesitate to write me. Every letter will be answered.
  • Страна, где я вырос(ла):
Pashamus Details
  • Место религии в моей жизни:
    религия не имеет для меня существенного значения
  • Посещение синагоги:
  • Соблюдение кашрута:
  • Внешность:
  • Цвет волос:
  • Цвет глаз:
  • Курение:
    не курю, курильщики не беспокоят меня
  • Алкоголь:
  • Состояние здоровья:
  • Хочу ли (ещё) детей?:
  • Готов ли встретить человека с детьми:
  • Условия проживания:
    живу с родителями
  • Животные дома:
  • Готовность к смене местожительства:
  • Годовой доход:
    менее $24,999
  • Политическая ориентация:
  • Любимый вид проведения отпуска:
    спокойный и расслабляющий
  • Планирование:
    я обычно все планирую, но возможны и спонтанные решения
  • Знание языков:
    английский, русский
  • Интересы:
    игра на музыкальном инструменте, компьютеры / интернет, музыка, плавание, природа, фотография
  • Любимая музыка:
  • Любимый жанр кино:
    документальные, драма, искусство, комедия, мультипликация, романтика
  • Любимые кухни:
    еврейская, морская, русская, средиземноморская, японская
  • Черты характера:
    впечатлительный(ая), гибкий(ая), духовный(ая), ответственный(ая), практичный(ая), романтичный(ая), целеустремленный(ая)
  • Знак зодиака:
    Козерог (22 декабря - 19 января)
  • Страна, к культуре которой я принадлежу:
Pashamus Ideal Match
  • Возраст (от):
  • Возраст (до):
  • Рост (от):
    4' 3"; - (130см)
  • Рост (до):
    7' 6"; - (229см)
  • О моем идеальном партнере:
    The main important features of a person lie in the moral sphere, to my mind. Kindness, care, and aspiration to share spiritual values are the main that I seek in a friend. I hope I have such features and can share them with my friends. Your physiological parameters (age, growth, weight, etc) are not important to me.
Оцените результаты
  • Рейтинг
  • Средний Балл0
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