
kerryluv2single Basic Information
  • Relationship status:
    Single (Never Married)
  • Relationship I am looking for:
    A long-term, Marriage minded
  • Ethnicity:
    Non Jewish
  • Religion:
    Not Religious
  • Children:
  • Education:
    Master’s degree
  • Occupation:
  • Employment status:
  • Height:
    5' 7"; - (170cm)
  • Weight:
    125 lbs. - 57 kg
  • Body build:
  • About Me:
    Anything that can be shared I believe in the magic of attraction. But you cant predefine or predict magic; You can only hope to find it. I love class...sophistication. I value character, intelligence, sincerity and of course handsome I want to find someone who misses passion, intimacy and craves a sparkle in His day. I have a great sense of humor and appreciate the ironies of life--like why I am on this site. I can make you laugh. Humor is important. I miss delicious moments with a special Man I love nature, sailing, classical music, opera, slow kisses, making love in a storm. --P.S. Save the earth. Its the only planet with chocolate.
  • The country I grew up in:
    United States
kerryluv2single Details
  • What is religion in my life:
    I am moderately religious
  • Visiting synagogue:
  • Keeping kosher:
    Do not know what it is
  • General appearance:
    Average looking
  • Hair color:
    Light Brown
  • Eye color:
  • Smoking:
    I don't smoke, I don't like to be around smokers
  • Drinking:
  • Health:
  • Want (more) children?:
  • Open to meeting someone with children:
  • Living situation:
    Living alone
  • Pets at home:
    Bird, Dog
  • Relocate for the right person:
  • Political orientation:
  • Favorite type of holiday:
    Peaceful and relaxing
  • Planning:
    I plan everything in advance
  • Languages speaking:
  • Interests:
    Baseball, Movies/TV, Pets, Rugby, Singing, Soccer, Swimming, Volleyball, Wrestling
  • Favorite music:
    Blues, Jazz, Rap
  • Favorite types of movie:
    Drama, Musical, Romance
  • Favorite Cuisines:
    American, Barbecue, Fast Food, Vegetarian
  • Personality traits:
    Easygoing, Eccentric, Emotional, Kind, Open-Minded, Responsible, Romantic, Sensitive, Serious, Shy
  • Zodiac Sign:
    Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
  • Culture or country with which I identify:
    United States
kerryluv2single Ideal Match
  • Age (from):
  • Age (to):
  • Height (from):
    4' 3"; - (130cm)
  • Height (to):
    7' 6"; - (229cm)
  • About my ideal match:
    Someone honest, caring, living and trustworthy guy that will be with me for the rest of my Life
  • Country of residence:
    Canada, United States
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