
(english) Fix a date in private chat!

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You have received a message from a’s Member and you wish to communicate with him/her. Its is not always convenient to give each other the personal phone number . How than can you learn more about your new date? Fix a date in private chat! You don’t need to have ICQ, Skype etc. The only thing you need is Internet access.’s chat is compatible with most of Internet browsers for web-surfing.

Login into at agreed time, go to chat and start communication. On the right side of chatting window you will see the list of member’s usernames that are on chat and you may find your new date there. By clicking it’s name and you can: start private chat (press “private message”), invite in public chat (press “invite”), open profile (press “profile”) .

The beauty of meeting and relating online is that you can collect information gradually, later choosing whether to pursue the relationship in the offline world.

Good luck.

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