
alicialive Basic Information
  • Relationship status:
    Single (Never Married)
  • Relationship I am looking for:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Religion:
    Jewish Modern Orthodox
  • Children:
  • Education:
    High school graduate
  • Occupation:
  • Employment status:
  • Height:
    5' 4"; - (163cm)
  • Weight:
    170 lbs. - 77 kg
  • Body build:
  • About Me:
    I am loving, caring, romantic, kind and honest person. Im looking for a long term relations with the happy marriage. I want to share everything with my future husband. Well have our joy, our success and our problems which well always decide together. Im a very open person, and I dont like hiding anything. I want to give all my love to the husband of my life. And my husband will be the only one for me, because Im a very devoted person. I hate lie and betray, and Ill never
  • The country I grew up in:
    United States
alicialive Details
  • What is religion in my life:
    I am moderately religious
  • Visiting synagogue:
  • Keeping kosher:
  • General appearance:
  • Hair color:
  • Eye color:
  • Smoking:
    I don't smoke, smokers don't bother me
  • Drinking:
  • Health:
  • Want (more) children?:
  • Open to meeting someone with children:
  • Living situation:
    Living alone
  • Pets at home:
  • Relocate for the right person:
  • Annual Income:
    Less than $24,999
  • Political orientation:
  • Favorite type of holiday:
    Adventurous and exciting
  • Planning:
    I never plan anything in advance
  • Languages speaking:
    Belarusian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chechen, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Kara-Kalpak, Slovenian, South American Indian, Tajik, Ukrainian
  • Interests:
    Baseball, Basketball, Billiards, Boating, Partying, Surfing the Web/Chatting Online, Swimming, Water Sport
  • Favorite music:
    Alternative, Blues, Electronic, Latin, Rock, Techno
  • Favorite types of movie:
    Animated, Art, Classic, Musical, Thriller, War
  • Favorite Cuisines:
    Chinese, Eastern-European, French, South American, Vegetarian, Vietnamese
  • Personality traits:
    Adventurous, Artistic, Conservative, Self-сonfident, Spiritual, Stubborn
  • Zodiac Sign:
    Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
  • Culture or country with which I identify:
    United States
alicialive Ideal Match
  • Age (from):
  • Age (to):
  • Height (from):
    4' 3"; - (130cm)
  • Height (to):
    7' 6"; - (229cm)
  • Languages:
    , Bosnian, English, Latin, Scots
  • About my ideal match:
    I am loving, caring, romantic, kind and honest person. Im looking for a long term relations with the happy marriage. I want to share everything with my future husband. Well have our joy, our success and our problems which well always decide together. Im a very open person, and I dont like hiding anything. I want to give all my love to the husband of my life. And my husband will be the only one for me, because Im a very devoted person. I hate lie and betray, and Ill never
  • Country of residence:
    , Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Ivory Coast, Denmark, Estonia, India, South Korea, Myanmar, Romania, Uruguay, Western Sahara
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